The secular world often disregards the sanctity of sex and chastity. In contrast, Catholics maintain that sex is a gift God intended solely for the union between husband and wife in marriage and for the conception of children. But why is this so important? What’s the big deal? Below we explain the Catholic Church’s viewpoint on these matters and provide several resources that can assist individuals in perfecting their virtue of chastity.

What You’ll Learn In A Chastity Book For Men
When I wrote my book, Chastity is For Lovers, I wrote it for both women and men.
However, its feminine cover (not my idea!) means it eludes a lot of dudes. But I want the world to know that chastity isn’t just for ladies.So when my friend and fellow author Everett Fritz wrote a chastity book called Freedom: Battle Strategies for Conquering Temptation, I rejoiced.
That’s because the book is just for men….
Tips To Fight Sexual Temptation
What do you do when you are experiencing sexual temptation? Not a lot of people want to talk about it but Sarah is here to help.
What No One Is Saying About Purity Culture (A RANT)
Have you been subjected to toxic purity culture? Here’s my rant on where a good thing can go wrong.

Emotional Unchastity
I gave a talk on a Catholic college campus last weekend. It was an awesome, awesome experience.
Catholic colleges – the really Catholic ones – are among my greatest sources of encouragement for the future. All of those great kids who actually take their faith and their relationships with God seriously. It’s a beautiful thing.

Is It a Bad Idea to Date a Friend?
Safety is nice, isn’t it? All nestled up in your little cocoon. Not rocking any boats. Just you and your friend. Friends forever.
Or … until he starts dating Karen. And then he marries Karen. And there you are, still in your cocoon…
More Articles
The Courage of a Catholic Man
by Erik Washam
How Far is Too Far: A Different Way of Viewing It
by Bryan Mercier
Modesty, Mass, and Men’s Eyes
by Erik Washam
Serious Relationships: What is the Rush?
by Bryan Mercier
Single Catholics: The World Needs Your Witness
by Jennifer Fulwiler
Quotes about chastity and sex
“More souls go to hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”
Our Lady of Fatima
“In temptations against chastity, the spiritual masters advise us, not so much to contend with the bad thought, as to turn the mind to some spiritual, or, at least, indifferent object. It is useful to combat other bad thoughts face to face, but not thoughts of impurity.”
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
Those whose hearts are pure are the temples of the Holy Spirit.”
Saint Lucy
“Holy Purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious that those who possess it become like the angels of God in heaven, even though clothed in mortal flesh.”
Saint John Bosco
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
Matthew 5:8
“There is no remedy so powerful against the heat of concupiscence as the remembrance of our Savior’s Passion. In all my difficulties I never found anything so efficacious as the wounds of Christ: In them I sleep secure; from them I derive new life.”
Saint Augustine